Hiking in Malaysia

WARRING !! The Malaysian trails are rather easy but you must remember that topographics maps are not available ,almost all trails are not marked and usually you cannot use public transport to get to starting point. It is why I recommend you to contact with any traveling club (I always attand to trips organized by SAC) to organize such trip. You can organize such trip alone but it will cost more and in some situation it can be even dengerous. To conntact with me use my email: or using YahooMessenger: michal_szymanski


Name of trail Mt.Ophir
Description The mountains is only 1300m but denivelation is about 1200m. After this trail I was much more tired then after the thoughest trail in Alps. It is clear why, big denivelation and tropical wheather - high humidity and high temperature. Simply good luck !!!
How to get there  
GPS waypoint file Mt.Ophir
GPS track file Mt.Ophir


Name of trail Gunung Panti
Description Not so hard, but one of the best. Real tropical jungle, you can encounter leches ,and if you have luck even tiger :> For this trail GPS is recommended. Starting and ending point are situated in the middle of nowhere and it is hard to organize this trip independently.
How to get there  
GPS waypoint file Gunung Panti
GPS track file Gunung Panti


Name of trail Belumut waterfalls
Description Wild and untouched by civilization place near Singapure (about 100km). The waterfall is realy nice. It is situated in the place sorrounded bytropical forest. Water is clear and there are no many people here.
How to get there This waterfall is near Gunung Belumut. Because this spot is almost untouched by civilization and I don't want to take a part in destroying this place I did not put GPS file on the net. But you can send a request for this files and I will think.
GPS waypoint file  
GPS track file


Name of trail Gunung Belumut
Description Big denivelation... be prepared. The mountain is really big when you compare with what you can see in Johor state. You can see pitcher plant here. I have heart that from time to time tigers visit this mountains. During ascent you can traverse a wide range of vegetation.The view from the top is nice but I can recomend better places if you interested in the spectacular views. There is a stream near the trail starting point, clear water with possibility of swiming.
How to get there First get to Kluang (train or bus) and from the town you have arrange transport the best option is taxi to Gunung Belumut.
GPS waypoint file Gunung Belumut
GPS track file Gunung Belumut


Name of trail Pulua Besar
Description This trail crosses island in the middle, rest of the trail you hike through the beaches. Trail is fine many stuning landsapes but I don't know why beaches were poluted by rubbish (maybe the reason is that we were after Wet Season). Be aware of high tide.
How to get there Pulau Besar is one of the island ..... You can get there from Mersing by boat. It takes about 30 minutes.
GPS waypoint file  
GPS track file Pulau Besar only track file is available on my page but it is enough. Remember that this track was recorder during low tide some part could be inacccessible during high tide.


Name of trail Gunung Lambak
Description This trail is easly accessible for independent travelers. But because town is near this mountain it is not secluded place. It is very popular among local. But if your time and money is limited you can vist this summit.
How to get there You have to get to Kluang town, the bigest mountain near the town is the Gunung Lambak. Ask local for more information.
GPS waypoint file NO
GPS track file NO . The trail is obvious.